Board of Supervisors Re-Organization & Regular Meetings


January 4, 2020

BOARD OF SUPERVISORS                                                                                            7:00 P.M.

721 Unionville Road

Kennett Square, PA 19348




Present:                                                    Township Staff & Consultants:

Chairman McKinstry                          Ryan Jennings, Township Solicitor

Vice-Chairman Sarro                          Lisa Donlon, Township Engineer

Supervisor Monahan                           Neil Lovekin, Township Manager

Supervisor Vannote                            Hannah Christopher, Township Treasurer

Robert Clarke, Chief of Police

                                                      Jeff Simpson, Public Works Director


Chairman McKinstry stated that an executive session occurred before the reorganization meeting pertaining to a pending legal matter.




  1. Supervisor Matuszak made a motion to elect Robert McKinstry as chair, Supervisor Sarro seconded. Motion carried 4-0.
  2. Supervisor Matuszak made a motion to elect Kathryn Monahan vice-chair, Supervisor Sarro seconded. Motion carried 4-0.




  1. Supervisor Sarro made a motion to appoint Neil Lovekin to the position of Township Manager/Secretary for 2021.  Vice Chair Monahan seconded; motion carried 5-0.
  2. Supervisor Vannote made a motion to appoint Hannah Christopher as the treasurer and to set the treasurers bond at 10 million. Supervisor Matuszak seconded; motion carried 5-0.
  3. Supervisor Sarro made a motion to appoint Jeffery Simpson as the Public Works Director/ Roadmaster. Supervisor Vannote seconded; motion carried 5-0.
  4. Supervisor Sarro made a motion to appoint Robert Clarke, Jr. as the Police Chief. Supervisor Vannote seconded; motion carried 5-0.
  5. Supervisor Sarro made a motion to appoint Robert Clarke, Jr, to Emergency Management Coordinator. Vice Chair Monahan seconded; motion carried 5-0.
  6. Vice Chair Monahan made a motion to appoint United Inspection Agency, Inc. as building inspector. Supervisor Sarro seconded: motion carried 5-0.
  7. Supervisor Sarro made a motion to appoint Charles Shock as the codes and zoning enforcement officer. Vice Chair Monahan seconded; motion carried 5-0.
  8. Vice Chair Monahan made a motion to appoint Unruh, Turner, Burke and Frees as solicitor. Supervisor Sarro seconded; motion carried 5-0.
  9. Supervisor Sarro made a motion to appoint Berkheimer Associates as tax collector. Vice Chair Monahan seconded; motion carried 5-0.
  10. Supervisor Sarro made a motion to appoint Keystone Collections Group as local services tax collector. Supervisor Vannote seconded; motion carried 5-0.
  11. Vice Chair Monahan made a motion to appoint VanDemark & Lynch, Inc. as Township engineer. Supervisor Sarro seconded; motion carried 5-0.
  12. Supervisor Sarro made a motion to appoint AECOM Inc. as the township wastewater engineer.  Vice Chair Monahan seconded; motion carried 5-0.
  13. Supervisor Sarro made a motion to appoint Glackin, Thomas and Panzak, Inc. as Landscape architect consultant. Vice Chair Monahan seconded; motion carried 5-0.
  14. Vice Chair Monahan made a motion to appoint Traffic Planning and Design as traffic planning engineer. Supervisor Sarro seconded; motion carried 5-0.
  15. Supervisor Matuszak made a motion to appoint Jeffery Groves as registered elector. Supervisor Sarro seconded; motion carried 5-0.
  16. Supervisor Sarro made a motion to appoint Tom Swett and Margaret Egli as library representatives. Vice Chair Monahan seconded; motion carried 5-0.
  17. Supervisor Vannote made a motion to appoint United Inspections Agency, Inc. as the Fire Marshal. Supervisor Sarro seconded; motion carried 5-0.
  18. Supervisor Sarro made a motion to appoint Robert C. Clarke as assistant Fire Marshal. Vice Chair Monahan seconded; motion carried 5-0.
  19. Supervisor Sarro made a motion to appoint Hannah Christopher as Open Records Officer for Administration. Vice Chair Monahan seconded; motion carried 5-0.
  20. Supervisor Matuszak made a motion to appoint Neil Lovekin as Deputy Open Records Officer for Administration. Supervisor Sarro seconded; motion carried 5-0.
  21. Vice Chair Monahan made a motion to appoint Robert C. Clarke, Jr. as open records officer for police. Supervisor Vannote seconded; motion carried 5-0.



  1. Supervisor Sarro made a motion to approve resolution no 2021-01: planning commission (members Jane Donze, Charles Streitweiser, Cuyler Walker, Marnie Conley, Robert Jerger, Patricia Montague, Mary Nell Ferry) Vice Chair Monahan seconded; motion carried 5-0.
  2. Supervisor Sarro made a motion to approve resolution no 2021-02: historic commission (members, John Rosecrans, Mary Nell Ferry, Martha Walls-Brown, Frank McGrail, Christine McDougal, C.B. Turner) Vice Chair Monahan seconded; motion carried 5-0.


  1. Supervisor Sarro made a motion to approve resolution no 2021-03: historical architectural review board, (Doug Mooberry, Arthur Bernardon, Nina Ginty, Marcy Fenza, Charles Shock, zoning officer) Vice Chair Monahan seconded; motion carried 5-0.


  1. Supervisor Matuszak made a motion to approve resolution no 2021-04: Environmental advisory council; (Josh Farkas, Andy Jenkins, Tim Cahill, Gloria Michener, Rob Daniels, Jonathon Perse, Cuyler Walker, Robert McKinstry, ex office) Supervisor Sarro seconded; motion carried 5-0.


  1. Supervisor Vannote made a motion to approve resolution no 2021-05: Unionville area regional planning commission. (Cuyler Walker, Kathryn Monahan) Supervisor Sarro seconded; motion carried 5-0.



  1. Supervisor Sarro made a motion to approve resolution no 2021-06: Zoning Hearing Board (Jane Russell, John Laffey, P. Thomas Simpers, Jr., Richard Pratt, Gerald Hoover, Shelly Mincer (alternate)) Vice Chair Monahan seconded; motion carried 5-0.


  1. Supervisor Matuszak made a motion to approve resolution no 2021-007: Kennett Fire & EMS Regional Commission; (Cuyler Walker, John Sarro) Supervisor Sarro seconded; motion carried 5-0.


  1. Supervisor Matuszak made a motion to approve resolution no 2021-08; PSATS voting delegate (Robert McKinstry, Jr., Kathryn Monahan (alternate)) Supervisor Vannote seconded, motion carried 5-0.


  1. Supervisor Sarro made a motion to approve resolution no 2021-09: Building Codes Appeals Board (Richard Basilio, Dean Musser, John Rosecrans) Vice Chair Monahan seconded; motion carried 5-0.


  1. Supervisor Vannote made a motion to approve resolution no 2021-10: Designating Emergency Service Providers for fire and rescue. (Longwood and Po-Mar-Lin) Supervisor Sarro seconded; motion carried 5-0.


  1. Vice Chair Monahan made a motion to approve resolution no 2021-11 Township fund depositories and check signers; (Hannah Christopher, Neil Lovekin, Robert McKinstry) Supervisor Sarro seconded; motion carried 5-0.


  1. Vice Chair Monahan made a motion to approve resolution no 2021-12: setting the office of township manager’s compensation; Supervisor Vannote seconded; motion carried 5-0.


  1. Vice Chair Monahan made a motion to approve resolution no 2021-13: Township meeting schedule.  Supervisor Vannote seconded; motion carried 5-0.


  1. Public Comment: there was none.


  1. Supervisor Vannote made a motion to adjourn the reorganization meeting at 7:28 p.m. Supervisor Matuszak seconded; motion carried 5-0



Respectfully submitted,


Hannah Christopher











Board of Supervisors

Re-Organization Meeting & Regular Meeting
Monday, January 4, 2021 at 7:00 PM
Meeting ID: 767-300-629

To join the meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone.

To dial in using your phone.
United States (Toll Free): 1 866 899 4679
Access Code: 767-300-629



Jan 04 2021


7:00 pm

