Project Summary
The Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDOT) has awarded a $10,460,555 contract to Allan Myers, LP, of Worcester, Montgomery County, to improve and widen a 1.3-mile section of U.S. 1 (Baltimore Pike) from the Kennett Oxford Bypass to Greenwood Road in Kennett and East Marlborough townships, Chester County.
Under this project, PennDOT’s contractor will mill and overlay U.S. 1 (Baltimore Pike); construct a third travel lane on certain sections of U.S. 1 (Baltimore Pike) in each direction and use existing shoulders and right turn lanes to create a third lane for the rest of the corridor; build sidewalks along the north side of U.S. 1 (Baltimore Pike) from Schoolhouse Road to the Longwood Village Shopping Center entrance; eliminate the left turn movement from Orchard Lane onto U.S. 1 (Baltimore Pike); install two new Dynamic Message Signs; and upgrade five signalized intersections within the corridor.
The purpose of this project is to improve capacity and the safe movement of vehicles through this heavily traveled section of U.S. 1 (Baltimore Pike) that includes commercial and residential development.
During construction, there will be periodic daytime and nighttime lane closures on U.S. 1 (Baltimore Pike) and at various intersections within the corridor during off-peak travel times to minimize travel impacts to motorists. Construction on this project is expected to begin this fall and finish in late 2025. The project is financed with 100% federal funds.