Board of Supervisor’s Meeting – 1/6/20
Meeting of the Board- January 6, 2020____________________________________________________
Immediately preceding the meeting there was an executive session to discuss a potential legal matter.
Chairman Sarro called the meeting to order at 7 :00 p.m. with the following people in attendance: Supervisors Sarro, McKinstry, Lacy, Monahan and Matuszak. Solicitor Unruh, Engineer Donlon as well as Planning Commission Chairman Walker and Interim Township Manager Hannah Christopher.
Supervisors Kathryn Monahan, Eric Matuszak and John Sarro were sworn in by a notary, Jennifer Schriver.
John Sarro thanked the Board of Supervisors for their service and said it has been a pleasure to serve as the Chairman for the past year. Mr. Sarro then made a motion, seconded by Julia Lacy, to appoint Bobby McKinstry as Chairman of the Board for 2020. Motion carried.
A motion was made by Kathryn Monahan, seconded by Julia Lacy, to appoint John Sarro as Vice-Chairman of the Board for 2020. Motion carried.
A motion was made by Kathryn Monahan, seconded by Julia Lacy, to appoint Hannah Christopher as Interim Township Manager and Secretary and as Township Treasurer for 2020 and set the amount for the Treasurers Bond at $10,000,000. Motion carried.
A motion was made by John Sarro, seconded by Julia Lacey, to appoint Jeffrey Simpson as Public Works Director/Road Master for 2020. Motion carried.
A motion was made by John Sarro, seconded by Julia Lacy, to appoint Robert Clarke as Police Chief for 2020. Motion carried.
A motion was made by John Sarro, seconded by Julia Lacy, to appoint Robert Clarke as Emergency Management Coordinator for 2020. Motion carried.
A motion was made by John Sarro, seconded by Julia Lacy, to appoint Charles Shock and United Inspections as Building Inspector for 2020. Motion carried.
A motion was made by John Sarro, seconded by Kathryn Monahan, to appoint Charles Shock and Accurate Building Inspections as Codes Enforcement and Zoning Officer for 2020. Motion carried.
A motion was made by Julia Lacy, seconded by Eric Matuszak, to appoint Unruh, Turner, Burke and Frees to the position of Township Solicitor for 2020. Motion carried.
A motion was made by John Sarro, seconded by Kathryn Monahan, to appoint Berkheimer and Associates as Tax Collector for 2020. Motion carried.
A motion was made by Julia Lacy, seconded by Kathryn Monahan, to appoint Vandemark and Lynch as Consulting and Plan Review Engineer for 2020. Motion carried.
A motion was made by John Sarro, seconded by Kathryn Monahan, to appoint AECOM as Sanitary Engineer for 2020. Motion carried.
A motion was made by John Sarro, seconded by Eric Matuszak, to appoint Glackin, Thomas and Panzak as Planning Consultant for 2020. Motion carried. as Sanitary Engineer for 2020.
A motion was made by Julia Lacy, seconded by Eric Matuszak, to appoint Traffic Planning and Design as Traffic Planning Engineer for 2020. Motion carried.
A motion was made by Julia Lacy, seconded by John Sarro, to appoint Jeff Groves as Registered Elector for 2020. Motion carried.
A motion was made by John Sarro, seconded by Eric Matuszak, to appoint Tom Swett and Margaret Egli as Library Board Representatives to the Kennett Library for 2020. Motion carried.
A motion was made by Julia Lacy seconded by Eric Matuszak, to appoint United Inspections as Fire Marshal for 2020. Motion carried.
A motion was made by Julia Lacy, seconded by Kathryn Monahan, to appoint Robert Clarke as Assistant Fire Marshal for 2020. Motion carried.
A motion was made by Julia Lacy, seconded by John Sarro, to appoint Hannah Christopher Open Records for Administration for 2020. Motion carried.
A motion was made by Julia Lacy, seconded by John Sarro, to appoint Robert Clarke Open Records for Police matters for 2020. Motion carried.
A motion was made by John Sarro , seconded by Eric Matuszak , to appoint PLGIT and BB&T as depositories for 2020. Motion carried.
A motion was made by John Sarro, seconded by Kathryn Monahan, to
advertise the following township meetings for 2020: Supervisors meetings, 7:00pm the 1st Monday of the month with the following exception: July 13th and September 8th. Planning Commission meetings, 7:00 pm – the Tuesday preceding the Board of Supervisors meeting. Historic Commission meetings, 7:00 p.m. on the second Monday of the month except for July and August. HARB will meet at 5:30 p.m. at Kinloch Woodworking on the following dates and as needed, January 23rd, April 2, September 3 , October 1 . Zoning Hearing Board meetings as required. Motion carried.
A motion was made by John Sarro, seconded by Kathryn Monahan, to
adopt Resolution #2020-1 appointing Barbacane Thornton CPA firm to perform the 2020 Audit.
A motion was made by John Sarro, seconded by Julia Lacy, to adopt Resolution #2020-2 reappointing Cuyler Walker to serve on the Planning Commission for a term of 4 years ending 12/31/24 and reaffirming Pat Montague, Jane Donze, Mary Nell Ferry and Charles Streitwieser as members of the commission and to appoint ___ and _____. Motion carried.
A motion was made by Kathryn Monahan, seconded by John Sarro, to adopt Resolution #2020-3 reappointing John Laffey to serve on the Zoning Hearing Board for a term of 5 years ending 12/31/25, and reaffirming Jane Russell, Gerald Hoover, John Laffey and Richard Pratt as members of the board and Shelley Mincer as an alternate. Motion carried.
A motion was made by John Sarro, seconded by Kathryn Monahan, to adopt Resolution #2020-4 reappointing Martha Walls Brown and Frank McGrail to serve as members on the Historic Commission for a term of 3 years ending 12/31/2023 and reaffirming Chris McDougall and C.B. Turner. Mary Nell Ferry, and John Rosecrans as members of the commission. Motion carried.
A motion was made by John Sarro, seconded by Kathryn Monahan, to adopt Resolution #2020-05 reappointing Doug Mooberry and Arthur Bernardon to the Historic Unionville Architecture Review (HARB) Board for a five year term ending 12/31/25 and reaffirming Nina Ginty, , Patricia Montague and Charles Shock (ex-officio) as members of the board. Motion carried.
A motion was made by John Sarro, seconded by Julia Lacy, to adopt Resolution #2020-06 reaffirming Richard Basilio, Dean Musser and John Rosecrans as members of the Municipal Building Code Board of Appeals. Motion carried.
A motion was made by John Sarro, seconded by Eric Matuszak to adopt Resolution #2020-07 reappointing Cuyler Walker as the Voting Representative and Julia Lacy as the Alternate Representative to the Kennett Area Regional Emergency Services Commission.
A motion was made by Eric Matuszak, seconded by Julia Lacy, to adopt resolution #2020-08 designating Emergency Services Providers and territories within the Township. Motion carried.
A motion was made by Julia Lacy, seconded by, to adopt Resolution #2020-09 reaffirming Rob Daniels, Andy Jenkins, Josh Farkas, Burly Vannote and Cuyler Walker as member of the Environmental Advisory Council for a three-year term expiring 12/31/21.
A motion was made by Julia Lacy, seconded by Eric Matuszak, to adopt resolution 2020-10 appointing Kathryn Monahan as voting delegate to the 2020-PSATS conference. Motion carried.
The Supervisors approved the attendance of Kathryn Monahan and Eric Matuszak to the 2020 PSATS conference paying reasonable expenses as allowed by the Second-Class Township Code. Motion carried.
Meeting Dates
The Board approved the meeting dates of 2020 unanimously. The dates will be advertised in the Daily Local Legals as well as on the website.
Public Hearing
A public hearing was held to consider, and potentially adopt a proposed ordinance titled an “Ordinance amending the East Marlborough Township Subdivision and Land Development Ordinance to revise the amounts to be set aside and transferred to the township for the purpose of mitigating the impact of development on the cost of emergency services within the township and the acquisition and maintenance of emergency services equipment”. The planning commission had previously approved this proposed ordinance.
Public Comment
Ruth Krantz- Carl of West Locust Drive asked the status and results of the traffic study. Supervisor Lacy addressed the issue and relayed that Public Works Direct Simpson is putting together a budget for the recommended improvements. . Impact and costs of improvement will be addressed in the future with the West Locust residents.
Approval of Minutes
The minutes of December 2nd were unanimously approved.
Ordinance 2020-01
“An ordinance amending ordinance No. 09-07 of the township of East Marlborough to reduce the speed limit for route 82 between route 926 and West Locust Lane” Section one of ordinance 09-07, section A will be amended to add #24. The reduction of speed will be 40 to 35 MPH on this section of the road. A resident of the township Lewis Kinter of Wollaston road expressed his concern that the reduction of the speed limit would cause traffic to increase on his road. Chief Clarke will conduct a speed study on Wollaston Road as a result of the discussion. A motion was made by Julia Lacy and seconded by Kathryn Monahan to pass Ordinance 2020-01. The Supervisors voted 5-0 in favor of 2020-01.
Ordinance 2020-02
The proposed ordinance to amend the Subdivision and Land Development for the purpose of mitigating the impact of development on the cost of emergency services within the township. A motion was made by Julia Lacy and seconded by Kathryn Monahan. The Supervisors voted 5-0 in favor of Ordinance 2020-02.
Kennett Library Presentation
Representatives from Kennett Library came before the board to make a request for the Capital Library Fund. Jeff Yetter and Collis Townshend spoke of the needs and what the requirements are to reach their goal to build a new library. The library representatives are seeking 20 percent from each of the 8 municipalities that form the conglomerate for the regional library. Chairman McKinstry proposed to modify the budget and make an annual donation for $105,574.00 for six years for a total of $633,444.00 Julia Lacey made a motion to amend the budget and it was seconded by Kathryn Monahan. The Supervisors voted 5-0 in favor of amending the budget to reflect a new library contribution.
Tree Removal 806 Lisadell Drive
Nicholas and Emily Kiesler came before the board to request removal of ten trees from their property. A letter was presented that was from their neighbor giving their approval for the removal of the trees that border their property. An arborist report was presented for the Kiesler’s. The board recommended that Glackin, Thomas, Panzak recommend an arborist to make an assessment on behalf of the township. The Kiesler’s were directed to go before the planning commission on January 28th.
Escrow Release Northridge and Longwood Preserve
Engineer Lisa Donlon reviewed the request from the developers of Northridge for Escrow release in the amount of $139,419.80. Bobby McKinstry made a motion to approve and it was seconded by John Sarro.
Resolution 20-12 was established for Longwood Preserve for an escrow release in the amount of $13,509.26. A motion was made by John Sarro and seconded by Julia Lacey. The supervisors approved both releases 5-0.
Smithbind Properties
Attorney Ross Unruh spoke with Ed Foley who represents Smithbind Properties (5 acres at 211 Gale Lane) and they agreed to hold a Conditional Use hearing on March 2nd at 6 P.M. preceding the Board of Supervisors meeting.
By a vote of 5-0 the Supervisors approved payment of invoices with the totals: Supervisor Lacy is on record to recuse herself for the vote on the AECOM invoices due to a conflict.
General Fund: $249,513.06
Payroll: $68,137.72
Sewer Fund: $28, 355.31
Park Fund: $120.18
Treasurer’s Report
By a vote of 5-0 the Treasurer’s Report was accepted as submitted.
The meeting adjourned at 8:55 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Hannah Christopher, Interim Township Manager