Board of Supervisor’s Meeting – 6/1/20
721 Unionville Road
Kennett Square, PA 19348
Present: Township Staff & Consultants:
Chairman McKinstry Ross Unruh, Township Solicitor
Vice-Chairman Sarro Lisa Donlon, Township Engineer
Supervisor Monahan Neil Lovekin, Township Manager
Supervisor Matuszak Hannah Christopher, Township Treasurer
Robert Clarke, Chief of Police Jeff Simpson, Public Works Director
Chairman McKinstry informed all present that Public Comment is the time to offer comments on any agenda item not on the agenda and to bring any issues/concerns before the Board.
Shelly Mincer, 131 Lantana Drive, thanked the Public Works Department for maintaining the Unionville Community Park during the COVID-19 outbreak. She requested that the Board consider: 1) Amending the park rules to allow children under the age of 10 be able to ride bikes on the premise, 2) Adding a 5th dog waste station in the middle of the park, and 3) Fencing off a section for an off-leash dog play area.
Township Manager Lovekin will forward an email discussion that he had with Ms. Miner to the Board that better explains her requests.
Chairman McKinstry stated that on May 27, 2020 there was a (public) Special Meeting
(conducted virtual on the GoToMeeting platform) of the Board of Supervisors to interview four (4) applications for the vacancy on the Board.
Chairman McKinstry called for each supervisor to state his/her choice to fill the vacancy.
Supervisor Matuszak Burling Vannote
Supervisor Monahan John Auger
Vice-Chairman Sarro Burling Vannote
Chairman McKinstry Burling Vannote
By a majority decision, Burling Vannote was selected to fill the supervisor vacancy with a term to expire on January 4, 2022 or the first Board of Supervisors meeting in 2022. Judge Al Iacocca administered to the Oath of Office for Burly Vannote.
June 1, 2020
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- UCFSD Community Parade to Celebrate Class of 2020 – June 8, 2020
James Whitesel, UCFSD Building and Grounds Supervisor, stated that the
Community Parade to celebrate the Class of 2020 will take place on June 8th from 4-7 P.M. The local fire companies will provide traffic control.
- The Chester County Balloon Festival
Chairman McKinstry stated that the Chester County Balloon Festival is
looking to move its event from late June of 2020 to September 11-13, 2020.
- Chairman McKinstry stated there are no new announcements.
- Certificate of Appropriateness for 1667 West Doe Run Road
Tom Blomer, 1667 West Doe Run Road, stated that the Historic Architectural Review
Board (HARB) has recommended that the Board issue a Certificate of Appropriateness for him to construction a kitchen addition.
A motion was made by Vice-Chairman Sarro, seconded by Supervisor Matuszak, and
carried by a vote of 4-0, to approve the issuance of a Certificate of Appropriateness.
- Unionville Recreation Association – Proposal to Open Athletic Fields
Robert Dobie, President of Unionville Recreation Association requested to reopen the
baseball fields in a very cautious way. Now that we are entering the yellow phase some gatherings are approved per Governor Wolf. Fields could be reserved by one family and limited to individuals in their household.
A motion was made by Supervisor Matuszak, seconded by Supervisor Monahan, and
carried by a vote of 4-0, to approve the modified opening of the athletic fields as managed by the Unionville Recreation Association.
June 1, 2020
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- Plantation Field Equestrian Events, Inc. – June 5-7, 2020 – Event Approval
Dennis Glacumm of Plantation Field Trials requested approval of the Horse Event on
June 5-7, 2020 from 8 a.m. until 5 p.m. Glaccum will provide all proper protocol for social distancing and proper hygiene materials for participants/spectators for the event on the 300-acre field.
A motion was made by Supervisor Matuszak, seconded by Vice-Chairman Sarro,
and carried by a vote of 4-0, to approve the Special Event Permit in accordance with the provided COVID-19 safety protocols.
- 2019 Township Financial Audit – Barbacane, Thornton & Co.
Stephen Kutsuflakis of Barbacane, Thornton and Co. reported on the 2019 Township
Financial Audit. A summary of the audit results was presented and is available for public viewing at the township building during business hours.
A motion was made by Supervisor Monahan, seconded by Vice-Chairman Sarro, and
carried by a vote of 4-0, to accept the conclusions of the 2019 Financial Audit.
- Contract Bid Awards for Road Paving, Surface Treatment, and Fuel
The contract bid awards for Road Paving, Surface Treatment and fuel were presented
by Public Works Director, Jeff Simpson. The following is the list of lowest, responsible bidders as compiled by the Southern Chester County Municipal Cooperative:
Company Bid Project
Long’s Asphalt $327, 800.00 Road Paving
Asphalt Industries $36,400.00 Oil and chip on Walnut Road Dixie Land Energy $13,756.70 Fuel (Gasoline and Diesel)
A motion was made by Vice-Chairman Sarro, seconded by Supervisor Monahan,
and carried by a vote of 4-0, to award the above contracts for the 2019 Road Paving, Surface Treatment, and Fuel, as compiled by the Southern Chester County Municipal Cooperative.
Public Works Director Simpson stated that the Pennsylvania Department of
Transportation required all participating municipalities in the Liquid Fuels Program must register on the online platform, known as dotGrants, which this resolution is a part of the requirement.
June 1, 2020
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A motion was made by Vice-Chairman Sarro, seconded by Supervisor Monahan,
and carried by a vote of 4-0, to adopt resolution agreeing to use the dotGrants online reporting system for filing of Liquid Fuels.
- Unionville–Chadds Ford School District – Preliminary/Final Plans for Athletic Fields
Unionville Chadds Ford School District presented it Preliminary/Final Plans for the
athletic fields. Resident, Jean Best of 6 Rockford Crossing has concerns regarding the exit from where the new fields are planned and sight vison and how many cars will be allowed to park there. There is a waiver for the shadow analysis. Supervisor Monahan made a and Supervisor Matuszak seconded. Motion carried.
A motion was made by Supervisor Monahan, seconded by Supervisor Matuszak,
and carried by a vote of 4-0, to grant preliminary approval of the Unionville-Chadds Ford School District Preliminary/Final Plans for the athletic fields with a condition that when the parking lot is anticipated 80% full for an upcoming event that the traffic control measures must be implemented.
- Tri-M Corp. – 206 Gale Lane – Preliminary Plans for Building & Parking Expansions
TRI-M CORP came before the board to ask for preliminary approval of plans for its
building and parking expansion project. The Planning commission recommended that a traffic study was not necessarily required due to the limited impact.
A motion was made by Chairman McKinstry, seconded by Vice-Chairman Sarro, and
carried by a vote of 4-0, to grant preliminary approval as presented.
- Gerbron Final Minor Subdivision Plans – 791 Wollaston Road
Charles Gerbron came before the board to ask for preliminary/final approval on his
minor subdivision plans. The property is located at 791 Wollaston Road. Two waivers were recommended to be approved by the planning commission: 1) Approval to allow the preliminary plan approval to occur simultaneously with final plan approval, and 2) Requirement for a shadow analysis.
A motion was made by Vice-Chairman Sarro made, seconded by Supervisor
Monahan, and carried by a vote of 4-0, to approve the Final Minor Subdivision Plan, as presented.
June 1, 2020
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- Walnut Walk – Escrow Release #14
Lisa Donlon, Township Engineer, recommended that the Township release
$204,062.67 held in escrow for Walnut Walk.
A motion was made by Vice-Chairman Sarro, seconded by Supervisor Matuszak, and
carried by a vote of 4-0, to authorize release in the amount of $204,062.67 to Bentley Homes, as recommended by the Township Engineer’s review letter dated, June 1, 2020.
A motion was made by Supervisor Monahan, seconded by Vice-Chairman Sarro, and carried by a vote of 4-0, to approve the minutes of the meeting held on Monday, May 4, 2020, as submitted.
A motion was made by Supervisor Matuszak, seconded by Supervisor Monahan, and carried by a vote of 4-0, to approve the Treasurer’s Report and the Monthly Bills for the month of May 2020, as submitted.
Fund Expenditure
General $182,254.05
Payroll $62,051.02
Sewer $6,715.71
All business having been discussed, a motion was made by Chairman McKinstry, seconded by Supervisor Monahan, and carried by a vote of 5-0 to adjourn the meeting at 10:19 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Neil Lovekin
Township Secretary / Manager
BOS Agenda 6-1-2020
In an effort to minimize public exposure to COVID-19 and maintain social distancing, public meetings will be conducted via webinar and will be recorded. Neither Township officials nor members of the public will be able to participate in person.
Members of the public may join online using an internet-enabled device at
https://www.gotomeet.me/EastMarlboroughTownship/board-of-supervisors—june-1-2020 or by calling the toll-free phone number: 1-866-899-4679. Members of the public electing to join by phone must use the code: 744-812-421 followed by the pound key (#) when prompted.
Public Comment will be heard during each agenda item when called upon by the Chair of the Board of Supervisors.
Questions may be submitted in advance to nlovekin@eastmarlborough.org.
If you require special accommodation, please call the Township office at 610-444-0725.