Board of Supervisors Meeting 3/7/22 7PM

March 7, 2022


BOARD OF SUPERVISORS                                                                             7:00 P.M.

721 Unionville Road

Kennett Square, PA 19348




Present:                                                    Township Staff & Consultants:

Chairman McKinstry                          Ryan Jennings, Township Solicitor

Vice-Chair Vannote                            Neil Lovekin, Township Manager

Supervisor Sarro                                 Hannah Township Treasurer

Supervisor Vannote                            Jeff Simpson, Public Works Director

Supervisor Matuszak                          Chief Robert Clarke




Chairman McKinstry announced that executive sessions were held on February 7 to discuss legal and personnel matters, February 28th, to discuss personnel matters and an additional executive session will take place after tonight’s meeting to discuss legal matters.




Janet Wilson Day of West Locust Drive was not happy with the new method of sewer billing through Berkheimer.  Day stated she did not appreciate the timing or the lack of notification. Charles Day of West Locust said that not everyone is on the same level of communication and for the township to look at possible tools of improving communication to the residents.


Shelly Mincer of Lantana Drive stated that it was advertised and reported in the paper.




Station commander Lieutenant Dan Steele of the Pennsylvania State Police gave a report on state police responses and services provided in 2021.




  1. Vice Chair Vannote made a motion to execute a professional agreement for Traffic Planning and Design for the East Locust Lane Bridge replacement project to conduct construction management services. Gerry Baker of Traffic Planning and Design spoke to the timeline and grant and stated that there would be “no additional cost” for Traffic Planning and Design construction management services. Supervisor Sarro seconded; motion carried 5-0.
  2. Discussion and possible authorization to execute agreements for temporary easements to complete the project for the bridge with Kennett Square Country Club and Thomas and Mary Soprano are still ongoing.
  3. Bryan Vance, the manager of the Walmart gave an update on Walmart’s litter control plan. He has given his maintenance staff an overview of the entire perimeter of the Walmart grounds and the team will go out each day at 7 A.M., 1:00 P.M. and 5:00 P.M. to review the grounds.   Due to the positive response by Walmart; Supervisor Sarro made a motion to approve the temporary live plant display using a temporary parking lot at Walmart.  Supervisor Matuszak seconded; motion carried 5-0.
  4. Vice Chair Vannote made a motion to approve Northridge Escrow Releases for phase 2, (#14) and phase 3 (#4) for a total of $74,071.64 as recommended by engineer Donlon. Supervisor Sarro seconded; motion carried 5-0.




  1. Supervisor Matuszak made a motion to authorize Solicitor Jennings to advertise the amendment of the township code to add “Plastic bag and straw regulations”.  Supervisor seconded; motion carried 5-0.
  2. Vice Chair Vannote made a motion to authorize the submittal of draft zoning ordinance amendments to the county planning commission for requisite review and comment. Supervisor Matuszak seconded; Supervisor Sarro abstained; motion carried 4-0.
  3. Chief Clarke presented a proposal to increase special duty police officer rates. Supervisor Monahan made a motion to authorize an increase to $85.00 an hour, ($25.00 for township costs) and to $115.00 ($25.00 for township costs) per hour for holidays. Supervisor Matuszak seconded; motion carried 5-0.
  4. Vice Chair Vannote made a motion to approve a special event permit application for the Lights Festival to take place on April 16th at Plantation Field. Supervisor Matuszak seconded; motion carried 5-0.
  5. Supervisor Sarro made a motion to approve a park permit application for Fit4Mom, a stroller strides program. Vice Chair Vannote seconded; motion carried 5-0.
  6. Chairman McKinstry made a motion to give conditional approval for the Kennett Run as long as it does not deviate from previous years and the race director meets with Manager Lovekin and Chief Clarke. Supervisor Sarro seconded.


  1. RESOLUTION NO. 2022-22


Chairman McKinstry made a motion to adopt resolution 2022-22 for the creation of township advisory committees. Supervisor Sarro seconded; motion carried 5-0.


  1. RESOLUTION NO. 2022-23


Supervisor Sarro made a motion to approve resolution 2022-23 for interim bill payment approval. Vice Chair Vannote seconded; motion carried 5-0.


  1. RESOLUTION NO. 2022-24


Supervisor Sarro made a motion to approve resolution 2022-24 for the appointment of delegates to the Chester County Tax collection committee. Robert McKinstry was appointed as primary delegate, Burling Vannote as 1st alternate, and Neil Lovekin 2nd alternate.  Supervisor Matuszak seconded; motion carried 5- 0.


  1. RESOLUTION NO. 2022-25


Vice Chair made a motion to approve resolution 2022-25 authorizing execution of an agreement with McMahon Associates to draft the Kennett Area Longwood Gardens Connector Trail Feasibility study.  Supervisor Matuszak seconded; motion carried 5-0.


  1. RESOLUTION NO. 2022-26


Supervisor Monahan made a motion to table approval of resolution 2022-26 to appoint Herbert, Rowland & Grubic, Inc. to provide township wastewater and transportation engineering services.  There was no second to the motion; motion fails.  Vice Chairman Vanotte made a motion to approve resolution 2022-26 to appoint Herbert, Rowland & Grubic, Inc. to provide township wastewater and transportation engineering services.    Supervisor Sarro seconded; Supervisor Monahan opposed; motion carried 4-0.  (Supervisor Monahan made a statement)




  1. An application for the zoning hearing board will be heard on March 23rd regarding 109 Ridgecote Lane. The board took no position and will leave it up to the ZHB.
  2. Franklin Mint Credit Union has made application to construct illuminated signage in the limited multiple use zone along with three other signs. Solicitor Jaros representing Franklin Mint, made  the presentation regarding the four signs. Vice Chair Vannote made a motion to authorize solicitor Jennings to memorialize the boards position regarding the signage in writing. Supervisor Sarro seconded; motion carried 5-0.




Manager Lovekin, Chief Clarke and Public Works Director Simpson gave their monthly reports




Vice Chair Vannote made a motion to approve the treasurers report and the monthly bills.  Vice Chair Vannote seconded.  Motion carried 5-0.


Fund                                        Expenditure

General                                    $196,265.18

Payroll                                     $82,118.88

Sewer                                      $32,448.30





Supervisor Sarro approved the February minutes as presented; Vice Chair Vannote seconded; motion carried 5-0.




All business having been discussed, a motion was made by Supervisor Sarro, seconded by Chairman McKinstry, and carried by a vote of 5-0 to adjourn the meeting at 9:53 p.m.



Respectfully submitted,


Hannah Christopher, Treasurer/Assistant Township Manager







































Mar 07 2022


7:00 pm


Township Building
721 Unionville Road Kennett Square, PA 19348