Board of Supervisor’s Meeting – 2/3/20



Meeting of the Board- February 3, 2020

Immediately preceding the meeting there was executive session to discuss a potential legal matter.

Chairman McKinstry called the order at 7:05 P.M. with the following people in attendance.   Supervisors Sarro, Lacy, Monahan and Matuszak. Solicitor Unruh, Planning Commission Chairman Walker, Engineer Donlon, Public works director Simpson, Chief Clarke and Interim Township Manager Hannah Christopher were also in attendance.

Public Comment Period

There were no comments from the public.


Approval of Minutes

The minutes of the January 2nd Board of Supervisors meeting were approved by a 5-0 vote.


Resolution 2020-13 Appointment of Township Manager

Neil Lovekin was appointed to the position of Township Manager.  Lovekin accepted an offer of employment and will start on February 10th.  Vice Chairman Sarro made a motion, Lacy seconded. Motion carried.


Ordinance 03-20 to increase Planning Commission from 5 members to 7 members.

Lacy made a motion and Vice Chairman Sarro seconded the motion.  Motion carried by 5-0 vote.

Resolution 2020-14 appointing Marnie Conley and Robert Jerger to serve on the Planning Commission for a term of 4 years ending 12/31/23

Vice Chairman Sarro made a motion and Lacy seconded, motion carried by 5-0 vote.


Resolution 2020-15 to amend the 2020 budget to reflect the library contribution.

There was discussion of the $105,574.00 yearly contribution (six years) to the new library.  Appreciation from Library representative Jeff Yetter, and comments from Chris Char, resident of Willowdale Crossing who opposes the contribution.

Lacy made a motion, Monahan seconded.  Motion Carried.


Resolution 2020-16 Approving Penn Dot agreement for improvements at Route 1/ Route 82 Interchange

The township will submit Penn Dot form TE-160.  A traffic signal will be installed at Rt. 82 and Rt. 1 Southbound ramps.  Vice Chairman Sarro made a motion, Monahan seconded. Motion carried with Lacy abstaining.


Escrow Releases

Northridge #4 $83,925.16

Longwood Preserve #17 $16,850.40 Resolution 2020-12

Supervisor Lacy would like the format to show the balance. Vice Chairman Sarro made a motion, Monahan seconded. Motion carried.



HARB Recommendations

HARB has made recommendations of Certificate of Appropriateness for Tom Blomer for an addition, and Chuck Ginty for a sign.  Both live in Unionville Village.  Matuszak made a motion, Monahan seconded.  Motion carried.


Toll Brothers Lighting Fixture Revision

Justin Hunt proposed a new lighting fixture to replace the one in the plans at the crosswalk on 82.  The recommend fixture is not available.  The output is still decreasing, and it has a steel blackout on the back.   The Board approved the revision as a field change.  No official action was taken.


Northridge Tree removal: Doug White

There was a motion to approve the applicants request to remove three designated sycamore trees subject to review and approval by Glackin, Thomas and Panzak, with respect to species, number and DBH and location of 3 replacement trees per each tree removed.


814 Newhall Road SALDO Waiver Request

Tom Schreier of Hillcrest Associates asked for a waiver to section 609 H which is applied to driveways and sight distance.  Based on TPD’s comments the waiver request was approved.  Lacy made a motion, Monahan seconded it.  Motion carried.


Preliminary Plan Review Longwood Gardens Storage Facility

Denise Yarnoff (attorney) who represents Longwood Gardens came before the board to ask for Conditional Preliminary Plan approval for the storage facility.  It was recommended that Longwood goes before the historic commission on February 10th  for review of historic classes. . Conditional Preliminary Plan approval was given based on meeting the conditions and comments by the consultants.  Vice Chairman Sarro made a motion,   Lacy seconded.  Motion carried.


Purchase of a new truck and police vehicle

Jeff Simpson, Public Works Director requested the purchase of a $180,000 Truck for the Road Department.  Chief Clarke requested the purchase of a used 2015 Explorer for $5,000.00 to conduct speed enforcement with the mannequin “Rudy”.   Vice Chairman Sarro made a motion and Julia Lacy seconded.  Motion carried.


Agricultural Conservation Easement Funding Agreement

The Board approved the execution of documents for an easement by the county for Elizabeth McKinstry’s property, located at School House Road , and the Mayne and Hendrix family, property located at 926 and Byrd Road.  The development rights will be sold, and the county will provide 60 percent of the funding.  The township will contribute $22,000.00 from the Open Space fund.  Vice Chairman Sarro made a motion, Monahan seconded.  Motion carried vote 4-0 with Chairman McKInstry abstaining.


Authorization for an RFQ for architect services for Building Concept Plan

The Board approved an RFQ request for a concept plan for a new building.


Proposal; to join the Kennett Trials Alliance

Christina Norland made a presentation and request for East Marlborough to join the Regional Trails Committee.  A committee member would be appointed to the committee and communicate with the Township Manager and Supervisors with regards to recommendations for a well-connected trail network with neighboring townships.


Monthly Report Bills and Treasurers Report

By a vote of 5-0 the Supervisors approved payment of invoices with the following totals:

General Fund: $2,730,038.78

Payroll: $76,158.21

Sewer Fund: $2,810,376.50

State Fund: $191,672.67

Park Fund:  $111,563.16

Development Fund: $41,640.71


The Supervisors approved the Treasurers Report by a vote of 5-0.


The meeting adjourned at 9:35 p.m.


Respectfully submitted:

Hannah Christopher, Interim Township Manager







AGENDA – February 3 – 7:00 P.M.

Subject to change

There will be an executive session preceding the regular meeting to discuss a potential legal matter at 6:30 P.M.


  1. Call to Order


  1. Public Comment Period


  1. Approval of Minutes of January 2020


  1. Resolution 2020-13 Appointment of Township Manager


  1. Ordinance to increase Planning Commission from 5 members to 7 members


  1. Resolution 2020-14 appointing Marnie Conley and Robert Jerger to serve on the Planning Commission for a term of 4 years ending 12/31/23


  1. Ordinance to amend the 2020 budget to reflect the Library Contribution


  1. Resolution 2020-15 Approving Penn Dot agreement for improvements at Route 1/Route 82 Interchange


  1. Escrow Releases:


  1. Escrow Release #4 Northridge $83,925.16
  2. Escrow Release #17 Longwood Preserve $16,850.40 Resolution 2020-14


  1. HARB Recommendations
    1. New Sign: Chuck Ginty
    2. Home Addition: Tom Blomer


  1. Toll Brothers- Lighting fixture revision-


  1. Removal of 3 trees: Northridge, Doug White


  1. 814 Newhall Road SALDO Waiver Request for reduced Sight Distance:


  1. Preliminary Plan Review Longwood Gardens Storage Facility


  1. Purchase of new truck: Jeff Simpson B. Purchase of a used Police vehicle: Chief Clarke


  1. Agricultural Conservation Easement Funding Agreement


  1. Authorization for an RFQ for architect services for Building Concept Plan


  1. Proposal to join Kennett Trails Alliance -: Christina Norland


  1. Bills B. Treasurer’s Report


Feb 03 2020


7:00 pm - 9:00 pm




Township Building
721 Unionville Road Kennett Square, PA 19348


East Marlborough Township
(610) 444-0725