THE EAST MARLBOROUGH TOWNSHIP ZONING HEARING BOARD will conduct a virtual online hearing at 7:00 p.m. on Wednesday, March 31, 2021 to hear the following:
THE APPLICATION OF RAVI K. JAIN AND PREETI S. JAIN. The subject parcel is UPI No. 61-5-54.4 also known as 8 Greenbriar Lane. The subject parcel, which totals approximately 1.7 acres in area, is located in the RB–Residential Zoning District of the Township and is owned by the Applicants. The Applicant seeks a special exception pursuant to §502.B (Uses by Special Exception) of the East Marlborough Zoning Ordinance to permit the addition of an accessory dwelling within the existing dwelling unit, subject to the standards of §2109, and any other relief that may be necessary.
To minimize public exposure to COVID-19 and maintain social distancing, this hearing will be conducted remotely/virtually. The public may listen in and/or participate in the meeting through the GoToMeeting platform. Instructions on how to join the meeting will be posted at the:
Zoning Hearing for 8 Greenbriar LA
Wednesday, Mar 31, 2021 at 7:00 PM
To join the meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone.
To dial in using your phone.
United States (Toll Free): 1 877 309 2073
Access Code: 529-902-725
Any member of the public who wishes to participate or be heard during this hearing is encouraged to contact and coordinate with the Township in advance of the hearing to ensure your participation. The Board may consider other such matters as may properly come before it.
All persons desiring to be heard may attend and be heard. If any person who wishes to attend the meeting has a disability and/or requires auxiliary aid, service, or other accommodation to observe or participate in the proceedings, please contact Neil Lovekin, Township Manager at 610-444-0725 to discuss how those needs may be best accommodated.