Planning Commission Meeting 1/28/20



Minutes of January 28, 2020

Call to Order

Cuyler Walker, Chairman called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. in the township building.  Additional Commissioners present, Pat Montague, Mary Nell Ferry, Charles Streitwieser and Jane Donze. Lisa Donlon of Vandemark and Lynch was present.  Interim Township manager, Hannah Christopher was in attendance.  There was a quorum present.

Public Comment Period

No public comments.

Minutes of October 29th Meeting

A motion was made by Charles Streitwieser to approve the minutes of October 29th as submitted by Laurie Prysock. Jane Donze seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Kiesler Property Tree Removal

Nick Kiesler of 806 Lisadell Road addressed the supervisors at the January 2nd Board of Supervisors meeting, and they recommended that he present to the Planning Commission. The trees have been reviewed by Glackin Thomas and Kiesler’s arborist.   The Planning Commission made a recommendation to review the trees as provided in Section 1822-E-2 of the zoning ordinance.  The Planning Commission will meet at Nick Keesler’s property to review the trees on February 14th at 4 p.m.

Pratt Property Subdivision

Dick Pratt presented a sketch plan to the Commission.  Lisa Donlon noted that he will need to get a complete set of plans prepared for the recorder of the deeds. The plan needs to stipulate a definitive calculation and must reflect the lot lines for the proposed two lots.  No action was taken.

Steve Kopp 814 Newhall waiver request

The applicant is seeking a waiver of the minimum sight distance requirement for the driveway to a new home being built on a single-family lot.  The Planning Commission recommends approval subject to compliance with all comments set forth in township consultants’ letters, including those of Traffic Planning and Design and Vandemark and Lynch, if any.



Red Lion Storage Facility

Longwood Gardens Preliminary Land Development Plan Review – New Equipment Storage Building.  Among the issues that were discussed, the Planning Commission concluded and recommends the following:

Establishing adjusted lot area – The parcel on which the new construction is proposed consists of approximately 316 acres.  The adjusted lot area of the parcel has not been calculated, and Longwood Gardens intends to undertake that analysis in preparation for the future improvements contemplated by their masterplan.  The Planning Commission concluded it was readily apparent that the construction of the new building and its associated improvements would not result in the 30% lot coverage being exceeded.

Removal of trees – There are no Specimen Trees in the area proposed for development/land disturbance.  There are 21 trees, ranging in size from 0.5” to 32” DBH, that the applicant proposed to remove.  The Planning Commission concluded that the applicant is entitled to remove those trees because, due to the topography and extensive presence of trees on the property, those trees represented the minimum necessary for effectuation of the proposed development, as provided in Section 1822.E.2 of the Zoning Ordinance.  In addition, the more mature of the applicable trees were planted in the 1960s as part of an experimental project, so the Planning Commission considered whether the trees should be subject to the same exception from the tree preservation regulations available for nursery stock and therefore were not intended to be permanently on the premises.

Parking – The minimum number of parking spaces determined to be required under the Zoning Ordinance by Vandemark & Lynch is 42.  The applicant has determined that its use of the new building requires no more than 37 parking spaces.  The Planning Commission recommends that required number of spaces be reduced so that there can be less impervious coverage.

Buffering historic structures – The Planning Commission recommends that the application be referred to the Historic Commission for determination of whether any Historic Resources on or near the site are Class 1 or Class 2, In which case the Historic Commission should review the Landscape Plan.

A motion was made by Pat Montegue to recommend that the Supervisors approve Preliminary Plan Approval, subject to the comments above the applicant’s compliance with all comments or concerns identified by the Township’s consultants, including those of Vandemark and Lynch, Traffic Planning and Design, Glackin Thomas, AECOM, and the Township’s Fire Marshal and Longwood Fire Company Fire Chief. Jane Donze seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Smithbind Development

Ed Foley showed alternatives for the layout of the site.  The by-right option required to most land disturbance and the most impervious coverage.  The initial reaction of the Commission members was that the plan that included the least impervious coverage appeared to be the preferred option.  No action was taken pending receipt of comments from the Township engineer and other consultants.


The meeting was adjourned at 8:45 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Hannah Christopher



Jan 28 2020


7:00 pm - 9:00 pm




Township Building
721 Unionville Road Kennett Square, PA 19348


East Marlborough Township
(610) 444-0725