Planning Commission
- Call to Order / Attendance
- Unionville Chadds Ford School District – Internal Parking Recirculation
This land development plan proposes for campus circulation and parking improvements, with the goal of maximizing safety and efficiencies for buses, cars, and pedestrians during the daily student drop-off and pick-up timeframes, minimizing conflicts, and reducing, to the extent possible, traffic backing up on/into Unionville Road. The plans also provide the appropriate number of off-street parking spaces for the current faculty/staff and student enrollment.
- 802 East Baltimore Pike – Conditional Use Change in Uses
The Applicant is seeking to amend the 2022 CU Decision with respect to the medical office pad site to allow for two smaller buildings consisting of an approximate 3,400 square foot bank and an approximate 4,000 square foot one-story office building rather than one 25,000 square foot two-story medical office building.
- Public Comment
- Review / Approve Minutes
- Adjournment