ZONING HEARING BOARD will conduct an in-person hearing at 7:00 p.m. on Wednesday, June 30, 2021 to hear the following:

Application of Willowdale Town Center, Inc. for a variance from Zoning Ordinance Section 1812.D.2(b), or other zoning relief, to permit “alternative screening solutions” for roof top HVAC units associated with a restaurant use on Applicant’s property (Sovana Bistro Restaurant). Applicant’s Property, which is the subject of this application, consists of approximately 8.1 acres, is located on the southeast corner at the intersection of Routes 82 and 926, and is known as Chester County UPI No. 61-5-147. Applicant’s property is a mixed-use center, including retail, office and restaurant uses. Applicant’s property is located in the Township’s Willowdale Multiple Use Zoning District.

If you are a person with a disability and wish to attend the Public Hearing scheduled above and require an auxiliary aide, service or other accommodation to participate in the proceedings, please contact Neil Lovekin at (610) 444-0725 to discuss how East Marlborough Township may best accommodate your needs. CLICK TO VIEW APPLICATION


Jun 30 2021


7:00 pm


Township Building
721 Unionville Road Kennett Square, PA 19348