Zoning Hearing Board

ZONING HEARING BOARD will conduct virtual online hearings at 7:00 p.m. on Tuesday, June 15, 2021 to hear the following:

THE APPLICATION OF THOMAS AND BARBARA MANCILL. The subject parcel is UPI No. 61-5-176 also knows as 100 Ridgecote Lane. The subject parcel, which is approximately 0.63 acres in area, is located in the R-B Residential Zoning District of the Township, and is owned by the Applicants. The Applicants seek a variance from §1823.B.(2)(b)(Regulations) of the East Marlborough Township Zoning Ordinance to permit the installation of a fence with a height of seven (7) feet where the maximum permitted height is five (5) feet. Applicants also seek a variance from §1823.B.(3)(Regulations) to permit the installation of a privacy fence where a ratio of open to solid area of fence of at least two (2) to one (1) is required; and any such further relief that may be necessary. CLICK TO VIEW APPLICATION

THE APPLICATION OF CLEE AND KIMBERLY BRUN. The subject parcel is UPI No. 61-5-17 also known as 761 Unionville Road. The subject parcel, which is approximately 1.3 acres in area, is located in the R-B Residential Zoning District of the Township, and is owned by the Applicants. The Applicants seek variances from §§1603.A(Area and Bulk Regulations) and 1903.A.(2)(d)(Non-Conforming Lots) of the East Marlborough Township Zoning Ordinance to permit the construction of an addition to the existing single-family dwelling which will encroach approximately 14.7 feet into the required 60 feet rear yard; and any other relief that may be necessary. CLICK TO VIEW APPLICATION

To minimize public exposure to COVID-19 and maintain social distancing, these hearings will be conducted remotely/virtually. The public may listen in and/or participate in the meeting through the GoToMeeting platform.


Mtg. ID 644-584-837

To join the meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone.

To dial in using your phone.
United States (Toll Free): 1 866 899 4679
Access Code: 644-584-837

Any member of the public who wishes to participate or be heard during these hearings is encouraged to contact and coordinate with the Township in advance of the hearings to ensure your participation.  The Board may consider other such matters as may properly come before it. All persons desiring to be heard may attend and be heard.  If any person who wishes to attend the meeting has a disability and/or requires auxiliary aid, service or other accommodation to observe or participate in the proceedings, please contact the Township Manager at 610-444-0725 to discuss how those needs may be best accommodated.

                                                                        EAST MARLBOROUGH TOWNSHIP

                                                                     ZONING HEARING BOARD

                                                                        Patrick M. McKenna, Solicitor


Jun 15 2021


7:00 pm