Zoning Hearing Board


THE EAST MARLBOROUGH TOWNSHIP ZONING HEARING BOARD will hold a special meeting at 7:00 p.m. on Wednesday, June 26, 2024 at the East Marlborough Township Building, 721 Unionville Road, Kennett Square, Pennsylvania, to render a decision on the following:

THE APPLICATION OF CAMPANELLA KENNETT LLC. The Board previously heard this matter on February 7, 2024, March 13, 2024, May 22, 2024, and June 13, 2024, and the record was closed.

THE EAST MARLBOROUGH TOWNSHIP ZONING HEARING BOARD will meet at 7:00 p.m. on Wednesday, June 26, 2024 at the East Marlborough Township Building, 721 Unionville Road, Kennett Square, Pennsylvania, to hear the following:

THE APPLICATION OF JAMES AND ALISON SPRINGER. The parcel is UPI No. 61-5-81.36, also known as 214 Lily Lane. The subject parcel is owned by the Applicants and is approximately 0.1698 acres in area.  The subject parcel is located in the RB –

Residential District of the Township and is improved with a driveway and single-family detached dwelling. The Applicants seek a variance from §1603.B.2 (Area and Bulk Regulations) of the East Marlborough Township Zoning Ordinance to permit the construction of a covered deck on the rear of the existing dwelling that will encroach approximately 5.5 feet into the required 30 foot rear yard, and any other relief that may be necessary.

THE APPLICATION OF JASON WILLIAMS. The parcel is UPI No. 61-5B-1, also known as 797 Merrimac Lane. The subject parcel is owned by Jason Williams and Amie Williams and is approximately 1.0 acre in area. The subject parcel is located in the RB – Residential District of the Township and is improved with a driveway and single-family detached dwelling. The Applicant seeks a variance from §502.D.2 (Accessory Uses) of the East Marlborough Township Zoning Ordinance to permit the installation of a swimming pool which will be located thirty (30) feet from the rear property line where fifty (50) feet is the minimum required setback from the rear property line. The Applicant also seeks a variance from §503.C (Lot Coverage) to permit the lot coverage to be increased from 11.3% existing lot coverage to 14.4% lot coverage where 10% is the maximum permitted lot coverage, and any other relief that may be necessary.

The Board may consider other such matters as may properly come before it.

All persons desiring to be heard may attend and be heard.  If any person who wishes to attend the meeting has a disability and/or requires auxiliary aid, service or other accommodation to observe or participate in the proceedings, please contact the Township Manager at 610-444-0725 to discuss how those needs may be best accommodated.


Jun 26 2024


7:00 pm


Township Building
721 Unionville Road Kennett Square, PA 19348


East Marlborough Township
(610) 444-0725