Zoning Hearing Board

THE EAST MARLBOROUGH TOWNSHIP ZONING HEARING BOARD will meet at 7:00 p.m. on Wednesday, May 29, 2024 at the East Marlborough Township Building, 721 Unionville Road, Kennett Square, Pennsylvania, to hear the following:

THE APPLICATION OF THE TRUSTEES OF THE UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA. The parcels are UPI Nos. 61-4-16 and 61-4-17, also known as 368 and 382 W. Street Road. The subject parcels are owned by the Applicant and total approximately 213 acres in area.  The subject parcels are located in the ESI – Educational, Scientific and Institutional District of the Township and are improved with various buildings and parking areas which comprise the University of Pennsylvania Veterinarian School. The Applicant seeks variances from the following sections of the East Marlborough Township Zoning Ordinance for the construction of an approximately 11,836 square foot one-story building for additional educational classroom space: §1103.D (Side Yards) to permit the proposed building to encroach approximately 86.6 feet into the required 100 foot side yard, and to permit two above-grade equipment pads to encroach approximately 99 feet and 93 feet into the required 100 foot side yard for parcel No. 61-4-16; §1812.A(1)(a)(iii)(Standards) to allow a parking area to be constructed without permanent raised curbing for clear definition of access lanes, where it is otherwise required; and §1812.D(2)(a) and §1812.D(2)(a)(i)(Screening and Buffering) to permit the construction of the proposed building and parking area without a Buffer planting strip along the perimeter, as otherwise required, and any other relief that may be necessary.

The Board may consider other such matters as may properly come before it.

All persons desiring to be heard may attend and be heard.  If any person who wishes to attend the meeting has a disability and/or requires auxiliary aid, service or other accommodation to observe or participate in the proceedings, please contact the Township Manager at 610-444-0725 to discuss how those needs may be best accommodated.


May 29 2024


7:00 pm


Township Building
721 Unionville Road Kennett Square, PA 19348


East Marlborough Township
(610) 444-0725