Conditional Use Hearing for 891 East Baltimore Pike 9/16/2021

On Thursday, September 16, 2021, at 7 p.m., prevailing time, at the East Marlborough Township Building, located at 721 Unionville Road, Kennett Square, Pennsylvania 19348, the Board of Supervisors of East Marlborough Township will hold a public hearing on the Conditional Use Application of the Franklin Mint Federal Credit Union, with respect to an approximate 0.589-acre parcel, located at 891 East Baltimore Pike, Kennett Square, East Marlborough Township, Chester County, Pennsylvania 19348 (Tax Parcel I.D. No.: 61-6-89.1A-E), located in the Township’s Limited Multiple Use (LMU) Zoning District. The property is the former location of the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia’s medical office building.

The Applicant is seeking Conditional Use approval from the Township Board of Supervisors, pursuant to §§ 952(C)(6) and 2008 of the East Marlborough Township Zoning Ordinance, in order to allow the Applicant’s desired use of the property for financial and/or institutional office use. The Applicant’s specified, desired use is a credit union branch and wealth management office for a subsidiary of the credit union. Such use is permitted in the Limited Multiple Use (LMU) Zoning District with conditional use approval.

If any person who wishes to attend the public hearing has a disability and/or requires an auxiliary aid, service or other accommodation to observe and/or participate in the proceedings, he or she should contact the Township Building at (610) 444-0725, to discuss how those needs may be accommodated.


Sep 16 2021


7:00 pm


Township Building
721 Unionville Road Kennett Square, PA 19348